Tinker, Tailor, Solider, Spy! Optician?

I went to see Tinker, Tailor, Solider, Spy. I liked it but it’s definitely a home film because there are a lot of pauses in it. Immediately upon exiting the film my friend said to me I bet you were loving those suits…I was, they were immense.

However what really caught my eye was Mr Smileys glasses (I’m specy). I don’t mean the glasses that are getting all the press. The ones at the very beginning the horned rimmed glasses. They were a subtle sharp pair of glasses and frankly I want them.

C and Mr Smiley pictures

I’ve search all over the internet, loads blogs and gossip magazines and not one of them mention the first pair of glasses Mr Smiley wears in the film. All the art folk keep talking about the significance of the when he changed his glasses all the so called fashion sites talk about the the thick rimmed glasses not the horn rimmed glasses!

SO! I have a challenge, no reward, for you! Help me find out who makes Mr Smileys glasses, where you can buy them and how much are they.